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3-1/2" Ceramic friction surface
3-1/2" Ceramic friction surface for turkey calls
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Our Price: $7.66

Product Code: CFS

Nominal diameter is 3.470 +/- .020 X .125 thickness with color variations of tan with a slight orange tint. Now has a 1/32" bevel on one side which can be glued in with bevel up for a nice finished edge appearance or bevel down for more area for glue to squeeze into. Whichever you like!

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  4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Great Surface July 12, 2016
Reviewer: Brian Rogers from Minor Hill, TN United States  
If you are looking for a great all weather surface, you have it here.  Have made several calls using these surfaces and get a crisp clear sound with whatever striker I use.

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